
The experience from my first blog has opened my mind that there are so many things to learn from wildlife and so many things to share.

“Nature provides so much to learn and science stitch everything together”

Learning wisdom from wildlife and experience the encounters of tropical wildlife, from the rainforest to urban life, written by an Indonesian wildlife biologist working in Indonesia who is still proudly working for conservation research (at least for the time being).

19 Comments Add yours

  1. Hari ini, pada pukul 14:16 (waktu indonesia tengah), posisi blog bS dan Wisdom of wildlife di Nature Blog Network ada dalam posisi berdampingan. Suatu kejadian yang sulit bisa terulang. hehehe…
    Prediksiku benar terjadi…

  2. noonathome says:

    Wow, ini suatu kehormatan besar bisa berdampingan dengan Burung Sulawesi yang sudah lamaan exist. Ayo, ada prediksi apa lagi nih? πŸ˜‰

  3. -Trisna- says:

    Hi πŸ˜€ you got one amazing blog here, i’ts an honor for me to always visit this type of blog… BEAUTIFUL INDONESIA
    I surely going to visit again, regularly.


  4. noonathome says:

    Thanks Trisna, always happy to welcome you and I surely visit your blog again!

  5. sita says:

    Congrats on the new blog!

  6. gypsy-heart says:

    Is “she” you?

    I love your photographs and your love of nature…the wisdom of it.

    We have that in common..nature is my temple..my place of worship.

    Everyone one of your photos on the right have a connection word to some of my posts..how very interesting!

    I must say, I am happy that we have biologist like you..watching over our world.:)

  7. noonathome says:

    “She” is me πŸ˜€

    Thanks for visiting. It’s great to know the ‘butterfly wisdom’ connect us

  8. dicky says:

    mbak, nanya, metode yang tepat untuk pengamatan perilaku burung sebaiknya dgn metode apa? makasih

  9. noonathome says:

    Dicky, aku jawab lewat email ya

  10. fisha17 says:

    wah isi artikelnya keren2, walaupun agak merinding juga baca2 pake basa inggris. πŸ˜†

  11. noonathome says:

    Hi Fisha atau Adam?
    Thanks udah mampir di sini. Hehehe, wong bikin postingan berbahasa inggris aja juga bikin merinding kok… πŸ˜€ Yang penting kan usaha..

  12. Avada Kedavra says:

    Hi.. I came across your blog and just loved it..I love reading about wildlife and nature

  13. noonathome says:

    Hi Avada Kedavra. Thanks for visiting! πŸ™‚

  14. halo mbak, saya gak sengaja masuk ke blog ini pas lagi nyari2 info tentang burung kutilang, dan saya sangat suka sekali blog ini. bagus banget mbak. setuju banget soal wildlife wisdom. we are after all just a small part from nature cycle.

    1. noonathome says:

      Hai Indra. Thanks udah mampir ke blog saya. Kenapa cari2 kutilang? πŸ™‚

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